Coming soon to the community of Summit

Unidad Preschool

Our vision

We believe that every child has the right to high-quality education from the earliest stages of life.  We aim to empower children with the foundational skills and knowledge they need for success, laying the groundwork for a brighter future.

Our mission

By creating a welcoming environment where early education is accessible and affordable, we aspire to foster equitable opportunities and cultivate a generation of confident, capable, and compassionate individuals who will change the world.

at a glance

Mother Child
(2 years old by September 1)

Designed to provide a safe and enjoyable learning experience for both mother and child. The children’s growth areas include thoughtful separation from mother, social interaction, awareness of others, conflict resolution and early language development. While the children are engaged in the classroom, the mothers meet with an experienced group facilitator. The group discusses topics that hone their parenting skills, help them balance self with mothering and contribute to their awareness that they are not alone. 2’s

(2 years old)

Designed to provide children with the beginning steps to knowing themselves as a learner in a group setting. Children are supported as they work through transitions and sharing so that they are better prepared for the dynamics of community learning. Teachers help children and parents work through separation. The daily schedule includes: gross motor and free choice play, group time with songs and stories, snack, and process-oriented art explorations.

3’s Pre-Kindergarten
(3 years old by September 30)

Designed to embrace the many facets of the developing child. Free choice play is a key part of our day. It is during this time that children learn to interact with their peers by sharing, using their “words” to communicate their needs, wants and feelings, and to choose freely from among several learning centers which provide academic challenges, creative outlets, fine motor skill-building, literacy activities, sensory experiences, science exploration and dramatic play.

4’s/5's Pre-Kindergarten
(4 years old by September 30)

Designed to prepare children for Kindergarten through cooperative and imaginative play and by enhancing their awareness of the outside world. Children tackle new challenges through problem solving, listening and accepting responsibility. Opportunities are provided to increase verbal and comparative skills, enhance socialization, develop motor skills and build self-esteem.

After School Care
(5 years old - 12 years)

This program operates from after school until 6:00 PM Monday - Friday. With a focus on a smaller class size and the luxury of being able to slow down the pace, these children leave our programming beyond ready for first grade. Our curriculum and standards follow those of the district so that children are exposed to the same information as their peers.

For inquiries, please contact Gabby Parra.