Union Church Early Childhood Programs offers families a variety of options to fit their child’s needs and their own schedules. Each class offers an enhancement to enrich the child’s learning experience and better prepare them for the upcoming year.
Imagine walking into a classroom and hearing your infant shriek with excitement as they put their hands on different textures; or the joy on your infant’s face after making a masterpiece out of paint using their entire body. This is what makes the Infant Early Learning Lab different.
We strive to make a difference in your child’s life from the beginning. We consider your infant part of our family as they begin their journey through our programs.
Toddlers learn to explore the classroom in a creative and artistic way. Teachers in the Toddler Early Learning Lab stimulate children’s thinking, imagination and curiosity with a variety of amazing art experiences. You may see children: painting on a drum, using paper mache, creating natural material dioramas, engaged in light and color play, growing grass in the sensory table, playing with dirt, exploring ice and rocks or exploring facial features with photo collage.
Monday - FridayAGES:
Infant (6 weeks - 14 months)
Toddler (14 months walking - 24 months) -
Monday: $350/mo
Tuesday: $375/mo
Wednesday: $375/mo
Thursday: $375/mo
Friday: $350/moRegistration is $135 for the first child and $90 for the second child. This registration fee covers all processing expenses. Fees include a supply charge for consumable items that are used within the classrooms. The registration fee is non-refundable and due at time of registration.
Tuition is collected a month in advance.
Members of the Union Church of Hinsdale receive a 10% discount on tuition.
Please note that the lunch is prepared in our kitchen and these are an additional fees not listed on this form.
The Union Church Early Childhood Program is licensed by the State of Illinois. We follow the teacher-to-child ratio mandated by the state.
Infant Classroom (6 weeks -14 months and walking) — 4 children with 1 teacher and a shared infant/toddler Float.
Toddler Classroom (14 months and walking – 24 months) — 5 children with 1 teacher and a shared infant/toddler Float.
This program provides a shared experience for mother and toddler and a chance for each to interact with their own peer groups. The toddler is introduced to a classroom setting while interacting with his/her mother during the first few weeks of the program. Gradually, with the mother’s and teacher’s encouragement, the toddler will separate from his/her mother for a portion of the class time. The mothers will then meet with a facilitator for weekly discussions on topics such as parenting techniques, behavioral issues, health and family. Many women have formed lasting friendships through this program, and the toddlers will meet children that they may attend school with for years to come.
• To provide a loving, caring environment that builds trust through connections and on-going communication with the child and their family.
• To create an atmosphere where children are provided with an environment that encourages them to become curious learners while developing the ability to be part of a classroom community.
• To facilitate children’s independence and self-help skills.
• To assist in language acquisition and development.
• To tap into the collective experience of the adult group to help hone parenting skills through group discussion.
Monday or Tuesday, 9:00 - 10:30amAGE:
Minimum 15 months old by September 1 -
$190/moRegistration is $135 for the first child and $90 for the second child. This registration fee covers all processing expenses. Fees include a supply charge for consumable items that are used within the classrooms. The registration fee is non-refundable and due at time of registration.
Tuition is collected a month in advance.
Members of the Union Church of Hinsdale receive a 10% discount on tuition.
The Union Church Early Childhood Program is licensed by the State of Illinois. We follow the teacher-to-child ratio mandated by the state.
The Mother Toddler program has two teachers for every 10 children. This ratio meets the requirements established by the state and provides your child with the best learning experience.
This program is extraordinary in its long and strong history of providing a safe and enjoyable learning experience for both mother and child. The children’s growth areas include thoughtful separation from mother, social interaction, awareness of others, conflict resolution and early language development. While the children are engaged in the classroom activities, the mothers are meeting in their own space with an experienced group facilitator. The group discuss topics that hone their parenting skills, help them balance self with mothering and contribute to their awareness that they are not alone. The role of mother can be an isolating one — Mother Child has successfully reduced that isolation for hundreds of women over more than three decades.
To provide a loving, caring environment that builds trust through connections and on-going communication with the child and their family.
To create an atmosphere where children are provided with an environment that encourages them to become curious learners while developing the ability to be part of a classroom community.
To facilitate children’s independence and self-help skills.
To facilitate children’s ability to form positive relationships with peers.
To provide on-going, engaging opportunities for early language development.
To tap into the collective experience of the adult group to help hone parenting skills to create a network of support through group discussion.
Wednesday or Thursday, 9:00 - 11:00amAGE:
Minimum 2 years by September 30 -
$185/moRegistration is $135 for the first child and $90 for the second child. This registration fee covers all processing expenses. Fees include a supply charge for consumable items that are used within the classrooms. The registration fee is non-refundable and due at time of registration.
Tuition is collected a month in advance.
Members of the Union Church of Hinsdale receive a 10% discount on tuition.
The Union Church Early Childhood Program is licensed by the State of Illinois. We follow the teacher-to-child ratio mandated by the state.
The Mother Child program has two teachers for 11 children. This ratio meets the requirements established by the state and provides your child with the best learning experience.
This program provides children with the beginning steps to knowing themselves as a learner in a group setting. Children are supported as they work through transitions and sharing so that they are better prepared for the dynamics of community learning. Teachers help children and parents work through separation. The daily schedule includes: gross motor and free choice play, group time with songs and stories, snack, and process-oriented art explorations.
To provide a loving, caring environment that builds trust through connections and on-going communication with the child and their family.
To create an atmosphere where children’s learning, aligned with the Common Core, are achieved through dynamic and unique play experiences.
To facilitate children’s independence and self-help skills.
To develop and assist in language acquisition.
To provide on-going, engaging opportunities for language, early literacy and pre-writing development.
To tap into basic math, literacy, and science concepts that children can build on throughout their preschool experience.
To involve children in daily art explorations with a variety of open-ended materials including watercolor, paints, clay, recycled materials and more.
Monday & Wednesday, 9:15 - 11:45am
Tuesday & Thursday, 9:15 - 11:45amAGE:
Minimum 2 years old -
Monday & Wednesday, $375/mo
Tuesday & Thursday, $395/mo
Bonus Friday $250/moPM Enrichment is $100 per day
Registration is $135 for the first child and $90 for the second child. This registration fee covers all processing expenses. Fees include a supply charge for consumable items that are used within the classrooms. The registration fee is non-refundable and due at time of registration.
Tuition is collected a month in advance.
Members of the Union Church of Hinsdale receive a 10% discount on tuition.
Please note that the lunch is prepared in our kitchen and these are an additional fee not listed on this form.
The Union Church Early Childhood Program is licensed by the State of Illinois. We follow the teacher-to-child ratio mandated by the state.
The 2’s Preschool has three teachers for 16 children in one room and 12 in the other. This ratio surpasses the requirements established by the state and provides your child with the best learning experience.
Our teachers are trained and educated to work with the 2's. Working as a team of 3 they each bring a different background and gift to the classroom. This combination of skills and talents is obvious in the classroom and provides the children with a diverse experience.
Based upon the varied needs of two-year olds and their families, we offer Big Day Enrichment to extend and enrich the day for your child. The Big Day Enrichment Program includes free choice play, nap/rest time and enrichment activities: music, reading/math and movement.
Big Day Enrichment is offered on a day-to-day basis.
Extending a 2’s Preschool day until 2:45 available: Tuesday – Thursday2 1/2’s — 2’s BONUS! FULL DAY FRIDAY
An additional full day of 2’s Preschool offered on Friday with a focus on the skills of the older 2 year-old.
Friday: 9:15 – 2:45
3’s Preschool
This program embraces many facets of the developing child. Free choice play is a key part of our day. It is during this time that children learn to interact with their peers by sharing, using their “words” to communicate their needs, wants and feelings, and to choose freely from among several learning centers which provide academic challenges, creative outlets, fine motor skill-building, literacy activities, sensory experiences, science exploration and dramatic play.
To foster healthy social-emotional development by offering a warm, interesting, engaging and safe environment in which all children feel comfortable.
To facilitate rewarding large group activities in an effort for children to recognize their own ability to control themselves during a group experience.
To engage children in thought-provoking small group academic and fine motor activities aligned with Illinois Early Learning Standards and Common Core.
To encourage self-help skills in an effort for children to gain confidence, independence and mastery of these skills, preparing them for their next year of schooling.
To model a sense of freedom of creativity and expression within our class and to foster a love of learning which will lay a firm foundation for a lifetime of learning.
Tuesday & Thursday, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday+, 9:00am - 12:00pmAGE
Minimum 3 years old by September 30+ Extra Day:
Chooing Monday, Wednesday, & Friday Opens Extra Days -
2 Days Tuesday & Thursday $350/mo
3 Days: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday $450/mo+ Extra Day: Tuesday and/or Thursday: $210/mo per day
+Big Day Enrichment: $200/mo
Registration is $135 for the first child and $90 for the second child. This registration fee covers all processing expenses. Fees include a supply charge for consumable items that are used within the classrooms. The registration fee is non-refundable and due at time of registration.
Tuition is collected a month in advance.
Members of the Union Church of Hinsdale receive a 10% discount on tuition.
Please note that the lunch is prepared in our kitchen and these are an additional fees not listed on this form.
The Union Church Early Childhood Program is licensed by the State of Illinois. We follow the teacher-to-child ratio mandated by the state.
The 3’s Preschool program has three teachers for 20 children. This ratio surpasses the requirements established by the state and provides your child with the best learning experience.
Based upon the varied needs of three-year olds and their families, we offer Big Day Enrichment to extend and enrich the day for your child. The Big Day Enrichment Program includes free choice play, and enrichment activities: music, reading/math and movement.
Big Day Enrichment is offered on a day-to-day basis, extending a 3’s Preschool day until 2:45pm: Tuesday – Thursday
4’s Pre-K
This program is designed to prepare your child for Kindergarten through cooperative and imaginative play and by enhancing their awareness of the outside world. Children prepare to tackle new challenges through problem solving, listening and accepting responsibility. Opportunities are provided to increase verbal and comparative skills, enhance socialization, develop motor skills and build self-esteem.
Fostering independence, problem-solving, and self-help skills through structured daily routines.
Offering age-appropriate, challenging academic activities in the areas of language & literacy, math, science, & social studies aligned with Common Core Standards & Illinois Early Learning Standards.
Supporting physical development through stimulating fine & gross motor activities.
Utilizing both large and small group to provide opportunities for collaborative learning.
Promoting self awareness as a tool to further foster self-regulation, social and interpersonal skills necessary to thrive in a lively, cooperative kindergarten classroom.
Inviting children to explore their interests through an emergent curriculum.
Monday — Friday (2 Morning Sessions), 8:45am - 12:15pmAGE:
Minimum 4 years old by September 30 -
$625/mo+Big Day Enhancement: $200/mo
Registration is $135 for the first child and $90 for the second child. This registration fee covers all processing expenses. Fees include a supply charge for consumable items that are used within the classrooms. The registration fee is non-refundable and due at time of registration.
Tuition is collected a month in advance.
Members of the Union Church of Hinsdale receive a 10% discount on tuition.
Please note that the lunch is prepared in our kitchen and these are an additional fees not listed on this form.
The Union Church Early Childhood Program is licensed by the State of Illinois. We follow the teacher-to-child ratio mandated by the state.
The 4’s Pre-Kindergarten program has two teachers for 20 children. This ratio provides your child with the best learning experience.
Based upon the varied needs of four-year olds and their families, we offer Big Day Enrichment to extend and enrich the day for your child. The Big Day Enrichment Program includes free choice play, and enrichment activities: music, reading/math and movement.
Big Day Enrichment is offered on a day-to-day basis.
Extending a 4’s Pre-Kindergarten day until 2:45pm: Tuesday – Thursday.
5’s Pre-K
This program is designed for children who do not meet the public school cut off for Kindergarten enrollment but still have birthdays in the fall. Since all of the children in the program are older we are able to specifically reach each child’s developmental needs. We developed the curriculum for the Pre-Kindergarten program by focusing on the Common Core Standards and communicating with District 181 Kindergarten teachers. During the school year, the class focuses on project based learning and concentrates on experimentation, with the children acting as researchers. Our goal is to meet children at their individual stages of development and challenge them to rise to the next level.
Academic Skills:
Number recognition
Self-help skills
Phonemic awareness
Fine/gross motor skills
Letter recognition
Basic color and shape recognitionSocial/Emotional Skills:
Ignore distractions
Working in a group
Patience with others
Manage time
Being curious
Following directions -
Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 12:30pmAGE:
Minimum 5 years old by December 1 or December 31 w/recommendation -
$625/mo+Big Day Enrichment: $200/mo
Registration is $135 for the first child and $90 for the second child. This registration fee covers all processing expenses. Fees include a supply charge for consumable items that are used within the classrooms. The registration fee is non-refundable and due at time of registration.
Tuition is collected a month in advance.
Members of the Union Church of Hinsdale receive a 10% discount on tuition.
Please note that the lunch is prepared in our kitchen and these are an additional fees not listed on this form.
The Union Church Early Childhood Program is licensed by the State of Illinois. We follow the teacher-to-child ratio mandated by the state. The 5’s Pre-Kindergarten has one teacher for 10 children. This ratio established by the state provides your child with the best learning experience.
Big Day Enrichment
Based upon the varied needs of five year-olds and their families, we offer Big Day to extend and enrich the day for your child. The Big Day Program includes free choice play, and enrichment activities. Big Day is offered on a day-to-day basis.
Extending a 5’s Pre-Kindergarten day until 2:45 available: Tuesday – Friday

KinderBOOST is BACK!
We know that navigating the kindergarten year can be a challenge. We have several options to support your family. We have our amazing full day kindergarten, and we are pleased to announce the return of KinderBOOST!
KinderBOOST! is a program that is specifically designed to support your children throughout their kindergarten year. This program focuses on the different goals and standards that your child will be focusing on. In addition to that supplement, it includes play time and a focus on the arts.
We will be offering an AM and a PM session on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Your children will be able to enjoy our amazing lunches regardless of if they are in the AM or PM session. This enables you to pick them up and bring them right to KinderBOOST! or pick them up and take them right to kindergarten. Tuesdays or Thursdays from 9:00-12:00 OR 11:45-2:45.